Good morning, everyone! How is your day going so far??
Well, my day started off really bad!!!!
As you can ready the title, someone hit my car over night!!
What happen was I parked my car at my friend's apartment last night and came to pick up my car this morning... and I saw a huge dent on the back of my car.... yeah, someone hit my car and didn't leave any notes to apologize.... Omg, I was so upset!!!!!
But hey, what can I do now, right?
I guess I am going to have to fix it:( If anyone knows a good car repair shop, shot me an e-mail!! It will be a big help cause I never brought my car in to the shop.... haha
Oh, speaking of car, it seems like there is a stereo type that Asian people cannot drive.
I often hear this stereo type, and I wan to tell you something. It is not true!!!!!!!
Why?? Because in Japan, we go to driving school for few months and we have to go though so much training unlike here in US.
The driving school usually takes between 2-3 months and you have several stage that you have to go through. First, yes, of course you enroll to the school right? Then you are entitled to attend lectures and driving classed. In lecture, you have tests every week and you have to pass the test in order for you to go to next step. At the same time, you start driving class too. The first stage of driving school, you can only drive and learn within a school field. After 30 driving classes, you can take a driving test, and you can move on to the driving classes in public roads once you pass this test. Then, you have another 20-30 driving classes on public roads. Yes, don't forget about the lecture because lecture will be continue until you pass the final test!!! After you fulfilled all the required lectures and driving school, you now have a right to take a final writing test and driving test. The driving test can be done within the driving school, but you actually have to go to police department to take a writing test. Once you passed the final writing text at police station, you can finally obtain a driver's license. Sound tough, doesn't it?? It cost a lot of money too!!!! It usually cost about $2000 for the traffic school.
In the school, you of course learn all the traffic rules and everything, but you also learn how to part your car in the parking lots and street parking. Because most the parking spot in Japan tend to be tiny, you learn how to park your car by backing up. So, most of Japanese people are really good at parking a car in tiny spaces!!! hehe.
Ok, so do you still think Asian people cannot drive?? Maybe some of them, but most definitely not Japanese people!!
Okie dokie, I think I'm going to lunch now. Yummy!!
Have a good one:)
Monday, January 28, 2008
Someone hit my car!!!! - hiroSomeone hit my car!!!! - hiro
11:45 AM