Tuesday, January 1, 2008
Happy New Year!!! And the Kakizome Taikai -hiro
Happy New Year eveyone!!!! How was your new years eve??? Nao and I had a great time last night, and I just woke up....yeah... we had a long night last night. hehe. I hope all of you had a great start of 2008!!!
Well, right now, I am getting ready to go to Kakizome Taikai.... Have you ever heard of it?
In Japan, we have Kakizome taikai on Jaunuray 1st, we usually write some nice words that may be being a good luck to the new year... I am going to go to have Kakizome with kids, so I will update how that went in the few hours!!! k?? Talk to you later!
Love, Hiro
2:38 PM