Awww.... I was just outside and, my goodness, it's freezing today!!!
I had to run inside and get my jacket. Nao told me that a storm is coming to Southern California and it will rain over the weekend.... It's getting dark and windy outside!! I hope it won't rain too hard... Stay safe everyone!
Okei... I know, I know, I could not update about how the Kakizome went on the 1st.
I was exhausted when I get home from Kakizome.... it was fun, but doing Kakizome with children took soooooo much energy from me... haha. I always forget how powerful they are!! lol
Anyway, all went very well! After the practices and writings, we picked the best piece and hung them on the walls, and I will decide who will receive awards later this week. Every year, when I do Kakizome, that reminds me my childhood. I just loved going to Calligraphy School, and my teacher used to correct my works with red India ink, and I always wanted to do that. hehe. So, now that I actually get to use red india ink is pretty cool! I want every single children to love Calligraphy just like the way I did, so it is a lot of work, but I love it!!
If you have kid, I recommend you to give them a opportunity to learn Japanese Calligraphy. Neat hand writing is always a plus, right?? hehe
I wish I could share my work with you, but the Kakizome paper is really big that I cannot scan them.... so I will write something different on small paper and post it one day, k?
Oh wow..... it is VERY windy now.... again, stay safe eveyone! Cuddle in the blanket!!
Bye bye, hiro
Friday, January 4, 2008
It's freezing today!!!!! -hiro
4:40 PM