Hi everyone!! Happy Thursday!!
Do you know what’s coming next week?!
It’s a Valentine’s Day!!!
Does anyone have any great plans for Valentine’s Day?
In Japan, people celebrate Valentine’s Day little bit differently from here in US. I believe Valentine’s Day is more like a day for couple in US right? Or it is a good opportunity for girls to be treated like princess!!!
Let me tell you how Valentine’s Day like in Japan. 2/14, I think most of men are exciting in Japan. Why? Because it is the day when girls give Chocolate to guys. But please remember that there are 2 meaning when girls prepare chocolates for Valentine’s Day. First one will be “Giri Choko”. “Choko” means a shorter way to say Chocolate, and “Giri” means “Friendly or Obligation”. So, we girls prepare multiple chocolates for guys just to show “thank you” or just being friendly. The second one will be “Honmei Choko”. “Honmei” means “Favorite”. We usually prepare one special chocolate and an additional gift for one special guy who we really like. Some of us would tell the guy how we feel about him on Valentine’s Day, but some of us are just too shy to tell at all.
So, I will bake a chocolate cake this weeks just to see how it will come out.
I used to bake cakes so often when I was in Japan, but not so much since I came here….hehe
I hope I can still bake a good cake!!!!!
Oh also, if you received chocolate or any gifts on Valentine’s Day, you must return something (candies are common) on 3/14 as a thank you gift!! This will apply for both “Giri Choko” and “Honmei Choko”. So don’t think that men don’t have to do anything at all in Japan!!!
If you have any great plan for heartwarming episode about Valentine’s Day, please send me e-mails!!!!
Good day everyone! Hiro
Thursday, February 7, 2008
What's coming soon?? - Hiro
10:28 AM