Good afternoon!!
Hello everyone! How have you been? It's been a while since I wrote on our blog.... i know.... but it has been crazy busy lately that I didn't really get a chance to sit down and write one:( I will try to update as much as I can though!
Lately, it's been so busy with my work and training.... so I basically come home and was trying to catch up my sleep everyday... so nothing really exciting was happening me this passed few weeks.... sad huh?
BUUUUUUT! I bake a strawberry shortcake last weekend for my friend's birthday!!
Hmmmm.... yummy! You know, I'm not trying to impress anyone here, but my cake is pretty famous among my friends and they just love it:) So, I bake a strawberry shortcake whenever I get a chance, like someone's birthday and any kinds of party. I think one of the biggest reason why my friends loves my cake so much is it is hard to buy a Japanese strawberry shortcake here in America. Of course, there are few place where you can buy it, but it always pricey for some reason... and nothing taste better than handmade cake right? haha.
So for those of you who never saw a Japanese shortcake, here is the pic.
It usually have 2 or 3 layers and we laid a lots of whipped Cream and Strawberries between sponges. Some people prefer to laid Bananas or peach instead though.
This cake is the most popular cake in Japan and we usually buy this cake for birthday or Christmas. (Of course, the cake is decorated differently for each occasions!!) If you haven't try the cake, I would love for you to try one day!!!
Hmmm~~ I really wished that I could share my cake with you:(
Oh, if you got a recipe off internet and tried to make one, make sure to buy Heavy Cream and whipped yourself. Do not use the cream that is already whipped and come in can because they melt and disappear in second once you laid on the sponges. ok?? If you desperately need my recipe, just shoot me an e-mail! I will give you my secret recipe:)
Oki-doki, I will talk to you later everyone!
Have a good one:)
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
A Strawberry Shortcake - hiro
12:32 PM
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Happy Valentine's Day! - Nao
I think it is great to let your loved ones know that you love them and appreciate them, BUT, I am a believer of letting people around you, like family, friends, husbands, wives, BF, GF, or whoever else know that you appreciate them every day! It's wonderful to have a special day for it though!
So, I have been addicted to hot chocolate lately. It is so good, and I never drank hot chocolate before. I mean, I have had it, but I've never bought it at Starbucks or anywhere. I usually get a cup of coffee in the morning, but somehow I started to get hot chocolate in the morning. Could it be the Valentine spirit in the air? Haha!
Anyhow, I found out that 7-11 has the best hot chocolate! After trying hot chocolate at Starbucks, other coffee shops, AM PM, and so on, I came to this conclusion. Even better, 7-11 has shots of coffee, and I usually put 2 shots in my hot chocolate, so that I can be awake too! Try it, and tell me if I'm wrong! Hehe!
Here is a touching story I heard on the radio today. I really wanted to share this story with you guys. Enjoy...
So, this Marine was deployed to Iraq, and he found a stray dog at the base there. The dog was starved, and very unfriendly. The Marine spent lots of time with the dog, and they became friends over time. The dog gave the Marine comfort and something to look forward to while he was in Iraq. After a couple of months, the Marine had to relocate to another part of Iraq, which was 75 miles away from the base he stayed at. The Marine asked his commander if he could bring the dog with him. The answer was no, so he had to leave the dog behind.
2 days later, when the Marine relocated to the new base, he saw the dog!!!! The dog traveled through 75 miles of war zone to stay with the Marine!! Everybody was so touched that the commander allowed him to keep the dog, and he can come back to the US with the dog after his duty is over.
I cried a little, it was so touching. You know, I have 2 dogs, and I would be devastated if I had to leave them somewhere... And imagine these two short legged dogs wandering around... Well, that's kinda funny, I guess, but I was so happy to hear that the Marine could bring the dog back home. He must have to go through all these shots and examinations and everything, but hey - he will have a better life with the Marine in Camp Pendleton!
Have a happy, sweet Valentine's Day!
2:48 PM
Thursday, February 7, 2008
What's coming soon?? - Hiro
Hi everyone!! Happy Thursday!!
Do you know what’s coming next week?!
It’s a Valentine’s Day!!!
Does anyone have any great plans for Valentine’s Day?
In Japan, people celebrate Valentine’s Day little bit differently from here in US. I believe Valentine’s Day is more like a day for couple in US right? Or it is a good opportunity for girls to be treated like princess!!!
Let me tell you how Valentine’s Day like in Japan. 2/14, I think most of men are exciting in Japan. Why? Because it is the day when girls give Chocolate to guys. But please remember that there are 2 meaning when girls prepare chocolates for Valentine’s Day. First one will be “Giri Choko”. “Choko” means a shorter way to say Chocolate, and “Giri” means “Friendly or Obligation”. So, we girls prepare multiple chocolates for guys just to show “thank you” or just being friendly. The second one will be “Honmei Choko”. “Honmei” means “Favorite”. We usually prepare one special chocolate and an additional gift for one special guy who we really like. Some of us would tell the guy how we feel about him on Valentine’s Day, but some of us are just too shy to tell at all.
So, I will bake a chocolate cake this weeks just to see how it will come out.
I used to bake cakes so often when I was in Japan, but not so much since I came here….hehe
I hope I can still bake a good cake!!!!!
Oh also, if you received chocolate or any gifts on Valentine’s Day, you must return something (candies are common) on 3/14 as a thank you gift!! This will apply for both “Giri Choko” and “Honmei Choko”. So don’t think that men don’t have to do anything at all in Japan!!!
If you have any great plan for heartwarming episode about Valentine’s Day, please send me e-mails!!!!
Good day everyone! Hiro
10:28 AM