I hope you had a wonderful Christmas!!!
My Christmas was very good:) I went to X’mas party with Nao and we had so much fun together!!
Did you get a lot of presents??? I hope you did!!
One of my good friends gave me a “Fuusui-neko”. Have you heard of “Maneki Neko” before?
Usually, people who own store or restaurants have this “Maneki Neko” in the store for a good luck.
“Maneki Neko” is looks like a white cat with red collar… and the cat will invite and welcome people into the store. Anyway, this “Fuusui Neko” which my friend gave me was for my own luck!!! It was blue cat and looks very cute. I had a very busy and tough year last year, so I assumed that my friend wanted me to have lots of luck!!!! How sweet, huh?? Well, I believe pretty much everything if it’s good, so of course I believe this “Fuusui Neko” will be brining lots of luck next year to come!!
Speaking of good luck, I feel that good wind has start blowing… why?
Because, nao and I had this wonderful opportunity to explore people all over the world through this blog!!! We are dying to get to know each one of you and I do hope you will learn who we are and become good friends! So, yes, please feel free to send us emails anytime!!!
Awwww…. I wanted to introduce myself today, but I’m running out a time to do so because I have to take off to work now…. So, let me introduce myself just little this time!
I promise that you will get to know me so much better as time goes on:)
My name is hiro, and nao is my best friend! I know you have known about Nao by now, but she is amazing girl with wonderful spirit!!! I’m more like…..well you will find out soon. Hehe
I used to teach “Shodou” to children before, and “Shodou” is one of my passion, so I am hoping to introduce “Shodou” to you later on this blog!!!! By the way, “Shodou” is traditional calligraphy in Japan, and many people believes that learning “Shodou” will give you a good and calm state of mind and also a good Japanese manner.
Oh shoot….I will be late for work so have to run now… well, talk to you soon everyone!!!
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Good morning to all of you with loves and cheers!!!! – hiro
10:42 AM